The idea for this blog was my husband’s.  He knows that I like to journal while I am traveling, so he suggested why not publish it as I go along?  It sounded like a pretty good idea, even if I am the only one who needs to remember it.

My original travel blog started in August of 2001 when my husband (hereafter referred to as Gerry or Gerry Sr – we have a  Gerry Jr in the family, too), Gerry Jr and Oscar (our sons) and I took off for Europe for 9 months.  I kept a “blog” during that trip (although I don’t think that word was common usage back then) and my friends all followed along and even chewed me out when I didn’t post an update on their timetables.  I guess that made me think I could do it again, and maybe my friends would again find it interesting and post their comments along the way.

Which is not to say you have to be my “friend” (either in the traditional or Facebook sense) to follow and comment on these posts.  Hopefully, we will become friends if you decide to join in!

I started off with the Nevis journal.  Since then, I have switched between current travel and past travel to include my wanderings of the last couple years for which I have kept journals. (That would be a couple of trips to Mexico, Spain, France, Berlin, Sicily, California, Portugal, Morocco, Costa Rica, Death Valley, Los Angeles, Texas and Wisconsin.)

I still have to finish adding the Euro-year journal (the original 9 month trip back in 2001-2002) which though written, needs editing, and the addition of the pictures (we took over 6,000 – an editing feat in itself!). It will be by far the longest, and probably “most” interesting. In addition to travel in Great Britain, France, Italy and Spain, it covers 9/11 while we were on a cruise in the Baltic and a year that our children (then ages 11 and 14) did not attend school.

Remember – comments are always welcome!


5 responses »

  1. Carol Nelson says:

    I stumbled upon your blog when I googled “Dairymens” and found your post about it. I was doubly intrigued when you mentioned Camp Osoha. I’m guessing we may have been there about the same time … let’s see, I was there from 1960-62, 64-66, and was a counselor in 68 and 70. I was Carol Ause at the time. Do we know each other? 🙂

    • jetsytravels says:

      Yes, we do – or did! I am Betsy Parker. My two younger sisters also went to Osoha (Martha and Patty).

    • Sandra Christians Miller says:

      Carol Ause: We went to Osoha and D.Mens . I am Sandra Christians -Miller.
      Carol Nelson. George and Betty Christians were my Parent s. GF.Christians was one of the founders and past President. Jim and Cathy Christians are part of our Clan. Osoha! I still think about the wonderful summers..Carol Ause and I were in Tribe to gether…sad to hear the Camp is closed!

  2. Nancy Terrill says:

    Thanks for sharing your travel photos and observations. How fun to “travel” along with you. Great idea!

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