The leaves always look fiery against a bright blue sky.

I have been quiet this year!  I have been dreaming of going places so, mentally, I have spent time in Italy, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Iceland (thanks to my book clubs).  But, I have been super lazy about getting out of the house to do more than grocery shop or visit with friends in a park – socially distanced, of course.

But I shook off my inactivity with the onset of the fall and cool weather.  The colors outside are just too beautiful to ignore.  It was a chance Facebook post in a group called “Wandering Through Wisconsin” that features fabulous picture of a place called Grant Park in Milwaukee.

Thinking:  1) It is not far out of my way, 2) I’ll be in Milwaukee this week, and 3) If the weather is nice… I looked up Grant Park and discovered it whereabouts. I also discovered a wealth of resources about all of Milwaukee County’s Parks (future material!).

So, this past week, while I was in Milwaukee for errands and appointments, I found some time to drive down to South Milwaukee and explore Grant Park.

The park is neither small nor huge in area, but is decidedly huge in scenery, situated along the Lake Michigan Shore and hosting a marvelous ravine, about two to three stories tall with a meandering creek at the bottom.  The creek (at least at this time of year) wends its way along the bottom of the ravine, crisscrossed by seven wooden bridges and surrounded by all of the color you could wish to find on a sunny fall day!

The trail is aptly named “The Seven Bridges Trail” and, I bet, it is spectacular in all four seasons.

Consider this the first in a series, Grant Park I (Fall 2020)! I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures as much as I did taking them.

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Here’s a link to get you planning a trip to Grant Park in South Milwaukee!

I have written about autumn in Wisconsin previously and, if you like these pictures, you might also like to look at this post from fall of 2016.